
A markable reapproach to blog-writing.

So after years of making various excuses to justify not picking up pen and pencil, or keyboard in fact, plus some serious degree of procrastination, I am finally convinced to start up blogging again. It took me days to actually research on the availability of the huge variety of popular blogger, comparing their pros and cons, before settling on the most useable (and coughaccessbilitycough) one. Yes, github, no ads, fast connection, and customizeable.

In the past few years, I have been heavily involved in Music Production, including designing genre routes for artists, songwriting, MIDI mockups (or normally the final product), recording monitoring of both vocals and instruments, and deciding mix versions. I have linked the instrumental tracks (Music Minus All) of some major ones I’ve done so there’s no copyright problems.

Meanwhile, I’ve been reading lots of books and watching a lot of tutorials on music theory, orchestration, instrumental methods, and of course all kinds of manuals for vsts and sample libraries. I find it an opportunity to share what I’ve learnt through the books and videos through this blog, so you, the readers, will have an easier time deciding on what to learn, what books to read, what methods to follow. Of course, I will also give hints on what I’m currently working on, especially on the technical discoveries.

Now I’m not an efficient writer, never done any brilliant essays or term papers, it may take me hours to express my self through written words. That is why I was always hesitated to write anything, especially self introduction. I would be sitting there with an empty paper for hours finding the right word or phrase, so this is the beginning for some writting exercises.

I will try to translate my posts into Chinese as well, and do a separate Chinese blog section, yet because writing in Chinese is more difficult, it will probably not going to be my top priority.